Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saving Seed

Saving Soybean Seeds

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm awful at saving seed. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I never keep my veggie plants in the garden long enough to set seed. Space is such a hot commodity that I tend to rip things out as soon as they've bolted or finished producing in order to grow something else, like my fall veggies. Maybe one day I'll have a garden large enough where I can start my spring and fall crops in different beds. That way, it wouldn't really be an issue.

One thing I was able to save this year was my 'Envy' soybeans seeds. Hopefully, they will go on to produce healthy plants next year.


  1. I never get around to saving everything that I want to either. It sure would be nice to have a garden large enough to start everything in different beds.

  2. I have my moments seed saving - usually more by accident than design. Like the carrot which goes to seed in its first year, or things that I am trying to prevent bolting like coriander. Usually though its the things like beans or chillies where I can leave one or two on the plant whilst the rest of the plant remains productive that I succeed with the most. Lovely photo by the way.

  3. I grew 'Envy' this year too and that reminds me to go out soon and harvest the little patch I left for seed production.

  4. I often save seed but only when it doesn't take too much from my produce. The beans were easy. Even the green beans. The ones that got away from me were just allowed to dry. I tried to keep them picked, but that is never easy.

  5. I love saving seeds! I hope to someday have a garden only grown with my own saved seeds. I'm far from that now, but it's start! This year I've saved several varieties of tomato seeds, lettuce, bush beans, pole beans, bell peppers, jalapenos, melons and lemon cucumbers. I will also save seeds from all of my winter squash. I'm sure I've forgotten a few things here...oh well :-)

  6. We tried planting soybean last summer but it was such a failure. Your soybean seeds looks very cute. I feel motivated to have a go on them again this summer.
