Monday, April 25, 2011

The Rain Soaked Garden

I really need to get a rain gauge for the garden. Keeping track of how much water our veggies get is not something I'm very good at. Our summer last year was incredibly dry and I'm sure our crops would have done much better if I had watered more often and consistently. On the other hand, I'm hoping that mother nature doesn't overdo it this year with the rain like she did in 2009.

That being said, I love to walk around the garden right after a storm and seeing everything covered in raindrops. Sometimes a fog rolls through and casts a faint glow over everything. It also makes some interesting photography.

I'm growing this speckled romaine lettuce for the first time. Hopefully it tastes as wonderful as it looks.

The hyacinths are in bloom right now. They smell incredible and are among my favorite spring flowers.

The claytonia is lasting longer than I'd expected. They seem to be thriving under the cooler than normal conditions.

Finally, my lone rhubarb plant is doing well. I'd planted the rather pathetic-looking crown last spring and am hoping to harvest a few stems this year. The first ones to emerge seem fat enough but aren't long at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will change as the plant grows. Otherwise, we'll have to wait another year.


  1. everything is looking realy good that lettuce looks pretty. Ilove a walk around the garden after the rain.

  2. Spring has been cool and damp here so far also. The Claytonia is a native here and is at its peak during our "winter". The ones volunteering in my garden are already far gone to seed and will be on the way to the compost or the chickens soon. I love the look of that lettuce, very pretty!

  3. We have had our warmest and driest spring for almost 70 years here so I could almost smell that wonderful warm damp earth from your photos!

    Your rhubarb is fine! As long as you didn't harvest any stems last year, it'll be okay to take some this year. There are new shoots emerging from the plant heart and they'll soon lengthen and fatten up for you all to enjoy!

    My nana used to send me up the garden with a little pot of sugar and let me pull a stem of rhubarb and dip it in the sugar ...bliss! :)

  4. I miss having spring bulbs in my garden. We wanted to wait until all the landscaping was in before we planted them. So this fall I'll probably go nuts with planting.

  5. That speckled Romaine is amazing! Glad the claytonia is doing well, but I'm ready for some more sunshine.

  6. We've been getting so much rain that my rain barrel has been flowing out the overflow pipe...seems like such a waste. I guess I should get a second (or third) barrel to stockpile water during times like these!

  7. Beautiful photos! It is getting very dark and stormy looking here right now and I hope to get some much needed rain, too! I'm getting tired of dragging hoses to my seedlings :)

  8. Looks much like my Northwest Garden...rainsoaked! Still,the rain makes everything grow and also makes for beautiful photographs

  9. Looks much like my Northwest Garden...rainsoaked! Still,the rain makes everything grow and also makes for beautiful photographs

  10. It is suppose to rain all week here, thankfully it has started to warm up at least! Looks like you have some nice crops growing already. I was eye the claytonia I grew from your seed the other day. It is just starting to take off after planting it last fall. I'll have to give it a try :)

  11. Your vegetables look so healthy especially the new asparagus! The water droplets make them look so fresh too :)
