Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Garden Photos and Update

winter greens
From left: wild arugula, hakurei turnips, spinach, all lettuce mix.
My second planting of hakurei turnips is growing very quickly. I harvested a nice bunch of turnip greens the other day from my first planting, which should be ready within the next week. I'm very excited to try this variety. The wild arugula will hopefully become an ingredient in a winter salad mix within the next couple of months.

lettuce mix
This planting of Johnny Selected Seed's All Lettuce Mix will be a nice change from the tangy mesclun we've been consuming.

fall peas
After a month and a half of not doing much of anything, the fall peas are starting to flower. I would be thrilled by even a tiny harvest.

baby beet
Most of my fall beets now have small bulbs. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks, they will really size up. The beet greens look fantastic right now but instead of harvesting some of them, I'd rather let them put all of their energy into growing bulbs.

baby zucchini
Finally...what's this? Could this actually be a female zucchini flower? I took a chance when we moved into our new home back in late July by sowing these guys. Maybe we'll actually get a zucchini or two out of this (though we have been harvesting and enjoying the male flowers as well).

On a sadder note, some background varmint decided to chew off my broccoli plants at the base, just as they were making a serious go at growing again after being besieged by August pests. I found them this morning lying limp and lifeless. I will say it again, this reckless destruction is just plain rude! To whatever is responsible, at least eat what you take from me!


  1. Thomas - very nice. Fall gardens are so pretty.

  2. Thomas, that sounds like cutworm attacking your broccoli. Do form a paper or light cardboard collar for each plant to protect them. Toilet tissue rolls work well, just cut each tube into two or three sections, then slit the sections so you can open them and wrap around the stem, making sure a little of the material is under the soil. Any heavier paper will do, even trips of printer paper.

    Your fall garden is looking beautiful! I'm lusting after your lettuce, I should have planted more than I did this year.

  3. Hi Gran, I had an issue with cutworms in late August but for some reason, I thought the season for them was over here in New England. I didn't see any holes around the broccoli either. I'm gonna dig up and around the root tonight to see if they are still active.

    I've already started setting aside toilet/paper towel rolls for next spring! I feel like squirrel!

  4. Those beet greens do look wonderful -- like chard. What do they taste like? I've never had them before. Cheers!

  5. Your fall garden looks so healthy. Too bad about your brocolli. I love the promise of little seedlings.

  6. Your fall garden looks magnificent. Your peas are so lovely and 'new'. Mine have been producing all summer so not looking as fresh at this stage but producing nonetheless. My zucchini was at that very same stage when I pulled it this week. Wrenching, but we've already had a short visit from J. Frost and it's just too late in the season for me now (Zone 4). All the best for yours.

  7. Avis - my better half (who doesn't like beets) seems to think they taste like dirt but I think they taste a lot like swiss chard. I do like beet greens but they're nothing compared to a fresh plump sweet beetroot.

    Mary - thanks! The seedling stage can be very lovely to photograph.

    Miss M. - I'm sorry to hear about your zucchini! Hopefully, it will be a few more weeks until we have our first real frost. Until then, I have at the ready some floating row cover in case the night temperature goes below 45 degrees. Also, I have some poly sheeting if it comes to that too!

  8. Your crops are looking so good! Too bad those critters are destroying your hard work...they are very rude. Garlic, hot peppers and blood meal - smelly things that animals won't like might keep them away.

  9. I HATE when everything is looking good and then BAM, ruined. I wish I knew how to keep the critters out of the garden, but I have no ideas.

    It looks like a zucchini is finally coming in! Make sure you leave some of those male flowers on so the females can get pollenated.
