Friday, June 1, 2012

The Intervale - My Community Garden Plot

Wow... I can't believe I've neglected my blog for the past couple of weeks.  I really need to get my act together!  On a side note, this is my 600th post!  They sure really add up after a while. 

Anyway, I realize I hadn't posted any pictures of my community garden plot. (I wish I was British so I could refer to it as my "allotment," which in my opinion, has a nicer ring to it.)  I'm not entirely sure of the exact dimensions but it's a good size.  The soil is in excellent shape (a nice sandy loam), and was planted with winter rye this past fall and tilled earlier this spring.  There are two types of plots at the Intervale - till and no-till.  Gardeners who have till plots must have everything removed by mid-October and are assigned new freshly tilled plots each April.  Those who have no-till plots can stay year round, plant perennials and erect fences and other structures.  A few spaces opened up in the no-till section this year (I'm sure Hurricane Irene had something to do with it) so I jumped on one.  (Normally you have to garden here for at least a year here before you can apply for one.)  The thought of have a blank canvas to work with every year was tempting, but in the end, I opted for an extended growing season.

I'm trying to keep things simple this year.  Only a few of the gardeners here have fences erected although I've been told that we have our fair share of garden pests (human and of the furrier sort).  I think I'll forgo the fence this year and take my chances (living dangerous, I know).  I have however lined my planting beds with string so I don't trample over everything.  Currently, I have shell peas, fava beans, onions, potatoes, celery, tomatoes (only five plants), peppers (only two) and artichokes planted here.  This weekend, I'll plant some corn, soybeans, beets and some perennials. 

The artichokes are off to a good start despite the colder climate here so I'm hopeful that we'll get a few edible buds this year.

Lastly, expect a stream of posts during the next few days!


  1. Lucky you to get a plot in the no-till section. That way you can setup permanent beds, plant perennials, overwinter crops, and of course extend the season. I am looking forward to more photos.

  2. I'd probably elect for the no till spot too since otherwise you couldn't grow garlic or overwinter spinach.

    I actually like the term community garden better. The connotation for the word allotment brings to mind rationing. As in this is your allotment and no more. But community gardens sound neighborly. The reality of course is that they are all the same things. And a rose by any other name. . . Or should a say a veggie by any other name?

  3. Lots of space to grow good things! I'm looking forward to watching your new garden grow. Will they allow you to put in the protective tunnels to overwinter some vegetables?

  4. Very nice! It's so much better to have it assigned to you all year long so you know you can plant perenials.

  5. Wow this is awesome. I bet you will have so many great veggies this Summer!

  6. That looks like a great location and I am thrilled for you that you got a no till lot assignment! This should provides lots of garden options for you in addition to that gorgeous sunroom and the garden beds you have at home.

  7. You were very lucky indeed to get a no till plot. The plot looks great! I'm sure you will get a lot of nice veggies from this space.

    I think I would try to take a day and put up a fence though. You may find that the two legged critters (thieves) may be a problem.

  8. I'm glad you got the plot, I hope it does well for you this year!

  9. That looks like a nice big garden. Good luck!

  10. Wow, that is a good size plot.
    The 'no til' plot idea seems a little unfair but I suppose the thinking is, not everyone wants to work a plot all year.
    Our allotments in the UK are now very heavily regulated with what you can do or not.
    But now the demand far outstrips the supply, some areas have a wait of 20 years, ridiculous state of affairs.
