Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sprouting Garlic 2
I ventured out into the garden for the first time in weeks today. Our yard has had a lot of standing water lately since the snow began melting a couple of weeks ago. Much of it has been absorbed into the ground but it's still pretty muddy out there. It's still too wet to plant anything; even my raised beds feel overly saturated in most spots. Hopefully, I can find a couple of dry areas to sow some fava beans tomorrow. The peas will have to wait another week or two. Better a little late than rotten!

Sprouting Garlic
I also noticed today that the garlic was up. How exciting is that! It actually caught me quite by surprise and stopped me dead in my tracks. I'm growing three types of hardnecks this year - German Extra Hardy, Pskem River and Bogatr. Upon closer inspection, I realized that every single clove had made it through the winter intact. I planted 65 last November and all are up. Maybe this is a good sign to things to come. :)


  1. So excited to see your garlic! Too bad the soil is still a bit wet for you but it will dry out soon. Our garlic is greening also, but don't look as sturdy as yours. Think our cloves were pretty small to start with. Happy spring...

  2. 100% on the garlic - I can't top that! A few of mine didn't make it. Those green shoots are a good sign of things to come.

  3. I have never planted garlic before, and would love to learn how you plant it. Are the bulbs actually available in the Fall for planting?

  4. Last year I had 100% too. My garlic is up in most spots but I still have a few cloves to go. I hope they all made it.

  5. I love the look of all that garlic! :)

  6. Woohoo! Garlic! Garlic! Garlic!

  7. Beautiful, yummy garlic! Congrats!

  8. It's awesome to see garlic coming up!

  9. Congrats on the garlic. I didn't get to mine last fall as winter came very early and hard. I started planting some this week and plan to finish in the next couple of days. It will be ready later and probably smaller, but at least I'll have some. I plan to get it in the ground before November 1 this year.

  10. Oh wow, every one, really? Lucky you. It is so good to see some green sprouting.

  11. There is nothing quite so cheerful as a patch of garlic emerging as the last of the winter snows melt away. A sure sign of new growth and spring!

    I was equally thrilled to see my rhubarb crowns breaking ground with new shoots this past week.

  12. Fantastic! I can't wait til it's time to hang our garlic to cure, it's one of my favorite times of the garden, walking by all those bunches of bulbs hanging to dry :)

  13. The garlic shoots look really good and as the weather warm up it will pick up growth much faster and it will be more and more exciting to watch them grow. Then you wonder how long will it take to harvest it. Hope they all grow fat bulbs for you! My friend just gave me 3 bulbs of elephant garlic and more than 10 purple monaro bulb garlic too which we plan to plant it next month.

  14. My garlic trials went in vain last year. Hope they come this week...
    I love garden surprises like these!

  15. Yummy! I've wanted to grow garlic, just never got around to it...yet. I mainly want to grow them to try the scapes- Yummy!

  16. Yay garlic! It's always so nice to see real, green signs of Spring. Especially when they're signs of deliciousness to come.

  17. My garlic is coming up today - it's great to see it!
