Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Blooms

I hope everyone is as excited about the long weekend as I am. Sometimes, you just need a break from the daily rat race. I'm looking forward to three days of relaxation...or as close to it as I can get. Call me a homebody but when I'm not at work, I generally want to be home. The last thing I want to do this weekend is to be stuck in holiday traffic.

My garden isn't known for its flowers but I thought I'd share some photos I took of what's blooming these days:

This morning glory is HUGE! The beautiful flowers are the size of the palm of my hand.

I haven't picked any nasturtiums yet. They just look too pretty to eat.

The German chamomile is ready to be picked and dried. The flowers have a wonderful aroma...almost like melon.

Is it common for zinnias to produce different colored flowers from the same plant? Maybe it's just my imagination but I'm seeing more colors than I do plants.

I've never grown calendulas before. They are quite stunning if you ask me.

Another variation of calendula I presume.


  1. Flowers, as well? Those are some nice looking beds you have there, Thomas.

  2. It's nice to see flowers in your post - that too bright vibrant ones. Calendulas definitely a great plant to grow and easy too! What more, it attracts butterflies!!!

  3. How nice :) I just love flowers. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful flowers, I'm a fan of orange blossoms so I especially love the calendulas.

  5. Gorgeous pictures, really. I like the scent of calendulas...

  6. I've grown nasturtiums, but never eaten them, though I know you can. Just can't quite get myself to try them. ;)

    Have a great weekend! :)

  7. I love growing with vegetables. Beautiful color of morning glory flower.
    I also cant get myself to eat nasturtiums. Seeds also should be edible.

  8. I love growing with vegetables. Beautiful color of morning glory flower.
    I also cant get myself to eat nasturtiums. Seeds also should be edible.

  9. I am growing calendula as well this year, love them! Also a neat thing about them, for homemade soaps they are one of the few flowers you can put into the soaps that will keep their color beautifully. I love nasturtium flowers in our salads, they are so pretty, but I always have to rip them out too soon since it is so hot here they get really scraggly with blooms and no leaves!

  10. Pretty display of a nice variety of flowers. I don't generally grow flowers in with my garden any more but when I had a much bigger garden in central Washington state, I used to grow one long wide row of annual cutting flowers each year. It was the bright spot in the garden and provided fresh flowers for my office and the house through most of the summer.

  11. I think that might be the most beautiful morning glory I've ever seen! Save the seeds!

  12. Splendid blooms ! Nasturtiums are nice and spicy. I'm sure you'll like them.

    Happy 4th of July !

  13. Great photos! I have a few calendulas growing, the dried flowers are supposed to be good in tea. I didn't manage to get your seeds out Friday, Monday for sure!

  14. I know what you mean, I wasn't able to pick the beautiful nasturiums either. I'm jealous of your morning glory - none of mine came up this year.
